I've finally decided to post my Sestina for you guys to read! As high school is coming to an end, college is getting nearer and nearer. Thus I have decided to dedicate this to our Los Osos Seniors! Sestina is actually a really fun way to work your brains, afterall, there are only 6 words to use over and over again. However, each word turns out differently from the way it was used before. Although it was hard, I was still able to accomplish the task.
We are all students
with many friends,
different teachers
and a lot of homework.
As we head off to college,
we will definitely miss high school.
Remember the day we started high school
there were thousands of students.
Everyday, we dream of college
and having fun with our friends,
a place where there is lesser homework
and no naggy teachers.
This place has many teachers
that are different from those of high school.
There is a lesser amount of homework
because teachers have too many students,
either way, some copy from their friends.
Is this what we call college?
Everyday seniors dream about college.
Every year, students get new teachers.
Every week, students make new friends.
Every day, students attend high school.
Every Saturday, is a free day for students.
While every Sunday, students rush their homework.
A year from now, when you're doing your english homework,
in the cafe of college,
with your fellow students,
you realize that the assignments assigned by your college teacher
are extremely different from high school
It is then, that moment when you think of your high school friends.
Remember the things we used to do with our friends?
All those times we spent doing homework
meeting up before entering the high school,
and daydreaming about colleges,
listening to the instructions of your teachers
and walking among the thousands of students.
The past was high school while the future is college
It's time to look forward to new friends, harder homework
new teachers and new fellow students.
This poem was able to sum up the high school and college relationship perfectly. It is true how we high school students are able to rush all of our homework on Sundays and procrastinate on all of our work yet, still get everything finished on time. We have those days where we complain about high school and wanting to go to college already, but as college comes closer we tend to be a little intimidated when having to prepare for what classes to take and getting a roommate. Who knows if we will be prepared for our first day of college, the beginning of independence.
ReplyDelete-Amanda A.
This was perfect to read being so close to graduation. As these past four years come to a close and we begin to embark on our new journeys, the things we have experienced in high school will always be something we hold dear to us.
ReplyDelete-Secada C.
Amanda: Yes definitely! Sometimes I get scared by just the thought of choosing college level classes. If AP classes in high school are hard, then college would definitely be harder. College is definitely the first step in becoming independence, hopefully we'll all be ready for that day! :)
ReplyDelete-Millicent L.
Secada: yes!! College is definitely a time to embark our new journeys. Somehow I think the 4 years we spent in high school goes by really fast.
ReplyDelete-Millicent L.